John's Pass Beach
For those that live in Pinellas County, we often hear about we routinely nourish the beach [i.e. pump in sand from out in the Gulf of Mexico with giant hoses]. However, at John’s Pass, a different type of beach nourishment is going on. Mother nature has decided that John’s Pass needs a beach, and since she has been working on it around-the-clock every since dropped a strong storm on us in November of 2014 that pushed a large amount of sand into the north side of John’s Pass under the bridge. Back in November, it was just enough sand to sit a couple of lawn chairs on while your friends waded into the water to do some fishing. Fast forward to June 2015, and now John’s Pass Beach is a proper beach – maybe the best beach in Pinellas, which make it one of the best beaches in the world! Dog friendly? Check. Alcohol friendly? Check. People friendly? Check. Easy access to bathrooms? Check. Easy access to restaurants, shopping and watersports? Check, check and check. And the best part: it has a ton of shade! A large portion is directly under the massive John’s Pass Bridge, so you have shade all year! Let us know what you think after you’ve taken a visit to John’s Pass and spend some time at the new beach – thanks to mother nature! UPDATE: as of the first week of January, 2016, a dredging has shrunk the beach. It's still there, but it's not as big as it was - boooooooooo!
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